travels with knapps2
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Travels with Nancy and Chuck Knapp (cont.)
April 13, 2006 - These Photos were taken on our trip to the Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival on Saturday, October 8, 2005. It rained most of the day.
Harpersfield Bridge. 35-04-19
This picture was taken from the by-pass.
234 feet in two spans, Harpersfield Bridge was built in 1873 to cross the Grand River using a Howe Truss. A flood cut a new channel in 1913 and a 135-foot steel span was added.
Warner Hollow Bridge 35-04-25
Built in 1867 in three spans using a Town Truss, the 120 foot bridge crosses Phelps Creek at Windsor Mills.
Riverdale Road Bridge 35-04-22
Built in 1874 using a Town Truss, the 120-foot bridge crosses Grand River in a single span.
Netcher Road Bridge 35-04-63
Built in 1997 using a Haupt Truss with arch.
Netcher Road Bridge 35-04-63
South Denmark Road Bridge 35-04-14
Built in 1868 with a Town Truss, arch added. Eigty-foot long, it crosses Mill Creek.
Graham Road Bridge 35-04-13
Built in 1867, 85-feet long with a Town Truss. The bridge was moved to a park in 1971
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted September 28, 2006